Click target of Additional Artists string to be the artists

Feature description:

Hi, just a small one that I think would make sense to most people regarding one of the default strings for Now Playing.

I think Additional Artists would make sense to link to the artists listed when clicked, rather than the more information sheet.

This one is a bit techy.

I presume the rebuttal will be that you can use a custom string to display the same information & then have that same information link you to wherever you’d like (within the available options). As such there’s less insentive / reason to change the default setup because the ball is still in your court & every user may or may not aggree with your proposed link destination.

Yes, I recognise that, and it’s not a big deal. Just was not what I intuitively expected, and I reckon most would want the same for this specific example. Would make it consistent with the other artists type strings.

I dont disagree. We’ll just have to wait for the final verdict lol.

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Additional artists can be multiple things, so the click would not be predictable.

There’s ways now to control precisely what it do for your specific needs.

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Yeah I thought this might be the case. Didn’t know if it was possible to have a sheet displaying all the different additional artists together anyway (composers, album artists etc). I understand. And yes, it’s not a problem for me personally, I will just use a custom string as I don’t use composer tags.

Not at all? Not even for extra info? You totally should.

I started using my composer field for samples & interpolations which honestly came about because i genuinely wanted a way to tag track & have it appear on two seperate albums at once.

Currently this is not possible & would likely be a nightmare but adding sample & interpolation tags meant that any tracks that share that info have a sort of spider-web connection & thus i can easily jump to those tracks as i wish.

That’s a good use for it. I use genre tags for that

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