Clear separation between lyrics and toolbars

Feature description:

I would like to suggest making a UI improvement to tell the difference between the actual lyrics and the top/bottom sections of the Lyrics view.

It can be either of these two:

  • Draw a line between the toolbar sections and the body of the lyrics
  • Change the background of the toolbar sections

I’m attaching three screenshots:

  • The current ui (original.jpg)
  • My first suggestion with a line separator (separator.jpg)
  • My second suggestion with a different background color (background.jpg)

Problem solved:

When I’m reading the lyrics, and usually make the mistake of thinking the title and the artist name are part of the lyrics, since there is no clear separation between both.

Brought benefits:

Cleaner UI and easier way to tell apart the toolbars and the lyrics.

Other application solutions:


Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup: