Cant restore license

Issue description:

I got a new phone and trying to restore my license key but i get “No license restored …”


Upload description: 9249-01

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

Restore from new phone (Pixel 9 Pro), old phone Pixel 7 Pro

Media provider:

Any provider



Google does not return a license for your account, please be sure to read Troubleshoot license and purchase issues

thats strange, i made a log from old phone (code: 9249-2)

Have you read the FAQ and all the points ?

yes, i dont think i used another play store account and i did not use Ko-Fi. i did try the backup/restore in the app but no luck

I for sure can’t know for you, that’s why the FAQ explains all the things you need to provide.

All I can see is the logs, and Google Play does not return a license for the Google account that have installed the app.

alright, ill just re-buy it then :frowning:

If you can buy again, then you are using another Google account as Google prevent that.

after rebooting the device it seems to be working, i don’t see the free trial window anymore in settings