Issue description:
I’ve recently setup Navidrome running on a Mac Mini on my home network.
The media shows up on Symfonium but I can’t play it.
I was on the November 1st version and I got media playback errors. I’ve updated to the latest version and now the app tries to play repeatidely and makes requests to the server on a loop.
Here’s one of the requests in the navidrome logs, it seems to be successful.
Trying mp3 or flac files doesn’t seem to change anything.
time="2024-12-14T11:42:33+01:00" level=debug msg="API: New request /rest/ping.view" client=Symfonium requestId=PFSMacMini.local/LmQ3z9yrKC-006306 username=Tom version=1.13.0
time="2024-12-14T11:42:33+01:00" level=debug msg="Found matching player" client=Symfonium id=b8bd3af5-892d-4ea0-9880-c39d705188e0 requestId=PFSMacMini.local/LmQ3z9yrKC-006306 type=Symfonium/Android username=Tom
time="2024-12-14T11:42:33+01:00" level=debug msg="API: Successful response" endpoint=/rest/ping.view requestId=PFSMacMini.local/LmQ3z9yrKC-006306 status=OK
time="2024-12-14T11:42:33+01:00" level=debug msg="HTTP: GET[REDACTED]&s=[REDACTED]&v=1.13.0&c=Symfonium&f=json" elapsedTime=6.3ms httpStatus=200 remoteAddr="" requestId=PFSMacMini.local/LmQ3z9yrKC-006306 responseSize=131 userAgent="Symfonium/11.5.0 (Linux;Android 12)"
Edit : I should also mention that Symfonium worked fine on my media when it was hosted on Jellyfin.
Also I’ve used the Subsonic configuration, but left it to default.
Upload description: patchuby
Additional information:
Reproduction steps:
Media provider:
Any provider