Boil the Frog playlist

Feature description:

There is an existing 3rd party plugin for spotify here:

What it does is allow you to choose a starting song and and ending song for a playlist. The plugin then reads metadata to provide a playlist that slowly morphs from the starting song to the ending song.

As personal server collects reach a certain size, an average playlist can become too meandering. This format keeps the chosen songs in line with what the user wants to hear.

Problem solved:

With a large personal collection of songs, even a personal playlist from symfonium can at times sound too random, and stray far from the original selection.

There are times where i love that aspect, and don’t mind sitting back for that ride. But other times I’d love to be able to choose the ending destination, and let symfonium choose a path that connnects the first song to its last song.

Brought benefits:

Depending on how wide you go with reading the metadata, including which musicians played on any particular song, it allows the user to discover new connections between their music. Maybe a musician on one song, played guitar on the following track.

Even outside of that, it can be fun to stretch the styles between the starting and ending song, and see just what path inbetween is created.

Other application solutions:

I haven’t seen this implemented outside of the link above.

It seems like a great thing to expand upon.

Additional description and context:

I uploaded an example of a playlist going from weezer to miles davis

Screenshots / Mockup:


Unfortunately the metadata needed for that is not available.

There’s radio mode to try to stay in the same genre, and if you use moods you can mix in the moods too.

But to resume no provider really expose the data needed to do that.

What metadata would be needed?

I’ll look more into radio mode and moods.

Spotify have like 75 different attributes per artists and songs to generate this kind of hings.

All Symfonium have access to is genre and moods if the provider support them.