Blurry background isn't blurry

Issue description:

I am currently running an AOSP ROM with blur enabled (it works fine in other apps and such) but it doesn’t work inside of symfonium. When using the blurry background setting it just doesn’t apply and blur


Upload description: suyashtnt

Additional information:

I am running a custom ROM based off AOSP, but other app blurs are working find and adb reports blur being enabled. The regular blur setting works fine though, as seen in screenshot 2

Reproduction steps:

Enable the blurry background style in extended video player settings.

Media provider:





This is a ROM issue, I use the compose blur function without any other change most apps usually code one that works on all OS versions.

What you see in screenshot is probably blurry for the first one and blur for the second one.
There’s blur in both of them, but with wrong values. Not much I can do here, Google will not even accept a bug report for a custom ROM.