Blank thumbnails on Android Auto

Issue description:

My album’s artwork are cover jpg files in the album folder. On grid view on my smartphon of my albums I see my artwork but on my car screen (android auto) they are blank. Why ? How to fix it ? Thanks


Upload description: Blank thumnails on android auto

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Reproduction steps:



Media provider:

Local device




There is no logs uploaded.

I thoght that my problem does not require log file.

I think that all the messages during the issue creation that says that logs are always mandatory is a pretty good hint that they are mandatory.

Same goes for the checkbox that you check that says I have uploaded the logs.

OK. Understood. I just send a log file taken in my car when Symphonium is connected via Android Auto. Thanks

AA does not attempt to read any image in the logs.

Try to reboot the phone to clear AA cache. Then enable logs and scroll inside AA to force load more images and see the actual issue.

I reboot my phone. No change.
As for the 2nd part of your answer - I did not understand what to do.

Well I needed logs :slight_smile:

So to resume.

Reboot the phone, enable logs in Symfonium, connect to AA, scroll in the AA interface to force load more images to be sure then upload the logs and tell me when it’s uploaded.

Good morning. I uploaded new log file after scrolling from top to end. All thumnails are blank except few that are seen.

There’s no errors that makes no sense.

What is the version of Android Auto on your phone? Do you use some kind of Wireless adapter or something ?

It is the latest vertion of AA (13.3.644654)
I use AAwireless adapter. It is also last update (4.5)
The strage thing is that I see few thumbnails on the Albums display (most are blank) but all thumbnails are seen when I switch to Artists display.

Just in case can you try without the wireless adapter ?

It is the same with direct USB connection (with no adapter).

Honestly I have no idea, does the covers that shows have something different from the others?

Is the image visible when you start playing those albums in the player in AA?

  1. It seems that the albums that their artwork is shown on the album grid display in AA have the artwork embedded inside the mp3 tag. Otherwise the artwork is a file called front.jpg
  2. However, The image is visible when I start playing any album in the player in AA.

Can you show your local provider configuration page ?

What do you mean ? I do not understand.

In symfonium edit the provider settings and show the screenshot of the settings, there’s many different ways to configure it, need to know if there’s something special to try to repro;

I attch some screen shots

Good morning
I send a new log file
The problem of the blank artwok thumbnails in AA was solved. I embedded all artwoks inside the music files.
However I have one more problem with Symphonium.
In my smartphone the albums display grid is sorted by the composer (artist) name.
But in the AA the albums display is sorted by the album name.
How can I change the sorting in the AA album grid display to be by composers (artists)