Battery drain - since last version?

Issue description:


the Symfonium battery usage is very high since the last update.
System tools show around 30% on 22 minutes screen time and 2:39 h background time.
Wifi/5G doesn’t seem to make a difference.
I tried to turn several features off/on like advanced progress bar, caching, transcoding quality. Also rebooted the device and re-installated the app but nothing changes.

My device is a Pixel 7 Pro with GrapheneOS.

Is this a known problem? Is there anything else I can try?
Thanks a lot!

Best Regards


Upload description: maaz - battery drain

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There’s no known issues and the logs covers multiple different days with different configurations so it’s hard to know. Since nothing have changed it’s probably some settings you changed.

Try to return to the internal decoder and check the other playback settings.
You also have pre cache + copy to rolling cache that use battery to cache the files.

Okay, thank you.
I don’t understand what the effect of copying to rolling cache is.
So pre-caching without copying to rolling cache is the best if I want to save some energy?

I have posted the question here because I am pretty sure that the problems have been occurring since the last update.
I will test a bit more. Really like the player, great app!

All depends on your needs and usage of the app, but pre caching means that it will download media to the playback cache, so it will pre cache the amount of songs you selected. So if you play 1 song then pause but pre cache was enabled for 10 song then those 10 songs would have been copied to the playback cache in that duration so use battery for that.

Then copy to rolling cache means that those songs are copied again from the playback cache to the actual offline cache, meaning again using sdcard and battery.

I have no way to know what you changed in your habits or settings that triggers more battery usage (Try to reboot the phone too) But I can assure you that this is not something due to the last update.

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