Feature description:
Ability to backup and restore only smart playlists.
Currently, the backup/restore process includes regular and smart playlists.
I don’t mind if there’s no option to backup regular vs smart playlists, what I really see useful is the ability to restore only smart playlists.
Problem solved:
I use the local device, and all my regular playlists are imported (as read only) from m3u files when synching. I also have smart playlists that I created on my own.
I do keep a backup to restore from scratch in other devices. However, I’m not interested in restoring regular playlists, since they still come from m3u files that are up to date; but I’m interested in restoring my smart playlists, because there’s no other place they are stored.
With the current restore process I endup with duplicated regular playlists: one set of playlists coming from the backup file, and another set coming from the m3u files during the sync (that happens after restoring).
Brought benefits:
A bit more control over what kind of playlists I’m interested in restoring.
Other application solutions:
Additional description and context:
Another way this could be solved is by having an option to replace playlists with the same name during the sync process to prevent duplication.
Screenshots / Mockup: