Automatic "Now Playing" section colors often lack contrast

Issue description:

The color automatically chosen from album art for the “Now Playing” section (including progress bar, rating, and rewind/pause/skip buttons) often lacks contrast with my background color, sometimes to the point where I can barely see the buttons when looking closely.

I’ve attached a few example screenshots of especially bad color combinations.

The “state of fluxx” song causes a strange effect I’ve also noticed on other album art where the color of the Now Playing section shows as a gradient. Not sure if that is intentional.

Proposed solution: allow the user to set a static color for the “Now Playing” section.

(this is a request submitted as per a chat conversation from… a while ago. Better late than never, eh?)

lord_llama 8:09 am
Is there a way to disable album art colors being used for the song progress bar, song rating, and playback buttons? I frequently get color combos with very low contrast, and it makes the buttons hard to see.

I’ve disabled both ‘Now playing color sources’ and ‘Library source color.’

Tolriq 8:40 am
Contrast should be ok, please open an issue with the song and your settings. And you can configure many things in the now playing part. Some depends on the others.


Upload description: lord_llama

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Please upload the songs and your theme to .

There’s already a settings to expanded now playing to use the theme colors, but I’d still like to fix this too.

Sure, just uploaded the songs and theme under my username (lord_llama).

Where do I find the setting to use theme colors for now playing?

edit: nevermind, just found it, thanks.

Ok, I must be stupid, because I still cannot get the Now Playing or Library color source to change away from using a color from album art. I’ve tried setting to: Disabled, Material, and Theme mode color, but none of those settings affect any changes. I’ve also tried all those settings with the default theme applied.

What could I be doing wrong?

You are not changing the correct option ? :slight_smile:

Expanded now playing, button color, there’s only 2 options Theme default or Dynamic color.

Ahhhh there it is. That’s what I needed. Thank you for the assistance!