Audiobookshelf Integration

Feature description:

audiobookshelf (Github) is a self-hosted podcast and audiobook service. An integration with audiobookshelf enables Symfonium to have podcast/audiobook capabilities with another potent self-hosted solution.

Problem solved:

Plex removed podcast support a while ago. However, audiobookshelf offers great features for both podcast and audiobooks, making it one of the best alternative for open source and self-hosted option on NAS.

Brought benefits:

It enables Symfonium users to listen to podcast and audiobooks in a nice UI. audiobookshelf also manages all the metadata well, so users don’t need to manually edit them.

Other application solutions:

 Not provided 

Additional description and context:

 Not provided 

Screenshots / Mockup:



For the moment AudioBook support is not at the level I want in Symfonium due to lack of proper support in most providers.

Once the work on that is done, adding specific providers for them will be evaluated again.

Same for podcast.

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+1 for audiobookshelf support

+1 for audiobookshelf support

+1 for audiobook support