This is a typical case when you deal with boxsets compilations.
Each disc has its proper artwork, so every track of the same disc has its artwork, for example:
disc 1 → artwork 1
disc 2 → artwork 2
So i ask you, if possible, to implement for the providers that support it (Kodi for example does with the thumb art type) this kind of behaviour.
Problem solved:
Better artwork handling for boxsets
Brought benefits:
On Symfonium you’ll have the proper artworks you’ve set
I’ve enabled that option, but on Kodi works only on the artworks per track (which on Kodi is the song art type). This particular case is with compilations where each disc has a different artwork. In this case the Kodi API will return you for each song a thumb type.
For example:
disc 1 → thumb1
disc 2 → thumb2
So you suggest to force the song type through the SetSongDetails, uhm i’ll think about it. I’ll issue to you on the bug topic a question about the disc subtitle, that Kodi expose but Symfonium doesn’t. Many thanks Tolriq