ARTISTALBUM tag is ignored when album consists of full featuring tracks

Issue description:

In local device source, I’ve an album wich is composed of full featuring tracks (the main band + guest).
ALBUMARTIST id3 tag is set with the following value : Powerwolf.

However, Symfonium don’t want to include this album with other Powerwolf album in Album Artist view.

I found if only one track has the ARTIST tag set to “Powerwolf” instead of “Powerwolf feat. xxx”, it works,the album is included with other Powerwolf album.

Can you help me to understand why and if I miss something?

Tell me know if you want full log as I need to anonymise them before send them here.

Thanks for help!


I always need logs …

For the record if you are not in the beta, then Symfonium does not parse the tags.

Hi @Tolriq,

please found the debug.log generated during a manual triggered sync. (37,1 Ko)

Let me know if this log is helping you or if I need to generate another in a different way.

Thanks for your help.

Information: 3.2.0

So as explained earlier and in the app description, that version does not parse your Tags but Android does it. So 0 control from Symfonium side.

Join the beta on Play Store and try the custom parser for local device.

Thanks for your answer.

Unfortunately, beta program is full, I’ll retry later or wait for a stable release of the feature you’re talking about.

Anyway, Symfonium is a really great app! Thanks for it.