API cmd for Playlist sync action

Feature description:

Would like an API cmd (similar to PLAYLIST_IMPORT) that would allow me force a manual playlist sync via the TASKER tool. Ideally would like to be able to specify a specific playlist AND also have a keyword “ALL” that would sync all playlist back to server.

Problem solved:

I want to automate the playlist sync operation with TASKER.
Currently using playlist import mode=“Offline First”, because it allows the user to modify their local playlist(s) when audio player & plex server are remote and/or offline. ie when user is at the gym or otherwise not at home. Currently when a user modifies their local playlist on their personal mobile device they have to “remember” to press the ‘sync’ button for that playlist once the mobile device & media plex server are both back online, typically at night once they return home. I realize there are other playlist import modes that have auto sync, but “offline_First” is the only one that allows remote user to edit edit/manage their playlist and than push changes back to server(plex). The issues is that requires a manual playlist sync action and it’s a challenge to get the family to do that. My plex server is hosted on my NAS which is behind firewall/router, it is only accessible with VPN and most of the time my family is NOT running a vpn back to house nas just for playing music, since it’s locally cached on their mobile device(s).

Brought benefits:

Allows admin to automate the playlist sync requirements when using “Offline First” playlist mode.
I can’t rely on all the family members to responsibly do the manual sync, so need to automate.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


And yet if they missclick and break the playlist you want to automatically commit their mistake without a solution.

I’m sorry but I tend to not add destructive actions to the API because users will always be users, and will always find a way to complain to me about their mistake.

The safety factor in effect here is ‘time lag’, the tasker auto sync will NOT be instantaneous. My intent is to only have tasker sync the playlist back to the plex server on a slow interval, for example once per day(3am) or maybe even only once per week. If the user makes a mistake editing the playlist, that mistake wont make it back to the server via tasker for many hrs of even days. They would have time to correct the playlist or even shut off tasker and thus suspend the auto sync indefinitely until the issue is corrected. Even without tasker automating this, the user could still mess up the playlist(intentionally or unintentionally) and than manually sync the defect back if they are online. I’m already using tasker to force the sync for music media, the tasker playlist sync is the last piece of the puzzle for my implementation.

Time delay is never a security, it’s the opposite as people forget they need to deal with it.

And if you can’t trust them to press push you can be sure they would not stop tasker as way too complicated.

As said maybe it would work for you but in the global scheme it would lead to support and complains so not really planned.