Please advise on what I am doing improperly via this android intent.
I am attempting to start a playlist “Macro” to no avail.
Upload description: Macrodroid Intents
Additional information:
Also the documentation regarding using internet to regenerate playlist thumbnails states the Long parameter
“The playlist ID (Can be seen at the top of the playlist action bottom sheet)”
I don’t know what that means /where that is
Reproduction steps:
I’ve never used an android intent before. After following the wiki article I’ve gotten this far & running this action in macrodroid seemingly does nothing which leads me to believe I’ve made a heinous mistake or two.
“QUEUE” [Int/Optional/1.8.0+]: 1 to queue the media at the end of playlist. 2 to queue the media just after currently playing one.
This part of the documentation is flipped for me.
Meaning the value 1 for me adds the song after the currently playing one & the value 2 adds to the end of the queue.