Android carlinkit box no parameter menu

Issue description:


I have installed synfonium on my Android carlinkit box
When i open it , i don’t see any menu

I Can see welcome screen

Carlinkit is an Android box i plug in my car in order to have a full Android os with no Android auto limit.

You can find informations here


Upload description: Carlinkit screenshots

Additional information:

Screen IS a 10.25 screen in a car
Resolution 1920 x 720

Reproduction steps:

Just plug in the car an open synfonium

Media provider:




Looks like a bugged device, not much I can do without logs or a way to identify.

What happens when you play something?

Hello , it’s playing well, even a whole queue
I just Can not access to my favorite and other menu

I need a screenshot when playing is bar visible ?

Yes , it is visible and i can put now playing full screen.

I asked for screenshot:)

Anyway I think if it works, your best bet is to configure the app without bottom tabs on another device backup the config and restore it during setup.

Ok i will make some screenshots tomorow

How Can i restore a backup if i Can not access to parameters ?

If you have a license there’s a restore button that will pop either in welcome screen or when you select add network server.

Here are some screenshots

I try to uninstall and reinstall in order to view if i can restore a backup and i do not see the option.

Question , i have a licence on my phone, Can i also use it on this second device ?

Ok so the menu is hidden on the left and it’s not an issue at the bottom.

And yes if you have Play Store and use the same account on that device the license will work and you should have a restore button in the last screen.

Ok , how Can i unhide it ?

You can’t it’s your device that shows it’s menu over it.

Can you install APK on this device to help debug this ?

Hello , good news, i have found how to disable the left bar , i restore a backup, synfonium IS working

After restoring, i don’t see my radios , IS it normal ?

Yes it’s not in the backup for now.