Issue description:
I created playlists on Symfonium, collections of my Plex library.
One of them is called “General”, it plays all my music minus the seasonal (eg Christmas) and books-on-tape, etc. I used to be able to say to Android Auto, “Play playlist General” and it would launch the playlist (though it would play it in alphabetical order, even though it was set up for random order, but that’s a separate issue). But recently it doesn’t work. I ran the debug logging mode, and I can see it querying - looks like correctly - but it’s coming up with 0 results:
2025-02-12 13:12:52.266 Verbose/QueryBuilder: Query: SELECT playlists._id,
playlists.display_mode_spacing FROM playlists WHERE (playlists.offline_status>0) AND (playlists.title LIKE ‘%General%’ OR playlists.title LIKE ‘%general%’) (‘’) [0 in 1.66ms]
(Same applies when I tried my other playlists, all of which are synced for offline listening)
This began after I deleted and re-created my Media Provider (I was using the “non-preferred” direct connect instead of using a Plex login). I had to re-create these playlists, and I could swear that before, there was a filter option to pull from Plex’s playlists. This time I made them using Genres - I suspect this may be the cause. The playlists play fine if I select them from the touch-screen - it’s just when I try to do a hands-free launch (which I have to do every time someone requests a song - and yes, requesting songs by name, artist, etc does appear to work with voice commands via Android Auto) that it fails to find the playlist.
Upload description: GreekGuy log showing failure to find playlists via Android Auto voice commands
Additional information:
Reproduction steps:
Created playlists in Symfonium from Plex source using genre filters.
Set up playlists for offline mode.
Listnening in car - can use Android Auto to find songs/artists/etc but asking for a playlist, it just stops. Logs look like AA correctly requested the playlist, but Symfonium didn’t find a playlist by that name with offline status.
Media provider: