Android Auto - Pause playback

Issue description:

When using Android Auto, music playback works as expected. On pressing mute, playback is paused as expected. However, pressing unmute only unmutes the car’s speakers and doesn’t resume playback. Issue can’t be replicated in 3rd party apps like YT Music or Spotify.


Upload description: Uploaded via App with username alphamike-1612

Additional information:



Reproduction steps:

Connect phone to Android Auto.
Start playback.

Pause playback by pressing mute on Infotainment system.

Resume playback by pressing unmute on infotainment system (Not working as expected)

Media provider:




For the record mute is supposed to mute not pause.

Anyway here’s the commands Symfonium receive in that log.

2024-10-03 13:52:28.918 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onPlay
2024-10-03 13:52:32.001 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onMediaButton: android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON - KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x4, repeatCount=0, eventTime=986074786000000, downTime=0, deviceId=0, source=0x0, displayId=0 }
2024-10-03 13:52:32.003 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onSkipToNext
2024-10-03 13:52:32.043 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onMediaButton: android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON - KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_MEDIA_NEXT, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x4, repeatCount=0, eventTime=986074787000000, downTime=0, deviceId=0, source=0x0, displayId=0 }
2024-10-03 13:52:40.655 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onMediaButton: android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON - KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x4, repeatCount=0, eventTime=986083459000000, downTime=0, deviceId=0, source=0x0, displayId=0 }
2024-10-03 13:52:40.657 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onSkipToPrevious
2024-10-03 13:52:40.711 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onMediaButton: android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON - KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_MEDIA_PREVIOUS, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x4, repeatCount=0, eventTime=986083477000000, downTime=0, deviceId=0, source=0x0, displayId=0 }
2024-10-03 13:52:59.227 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onMediaButton: android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON - KeyEvent { action=ACTION_DOWN, keyCode=KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x4, repeatCount=0, eventTime=986102013000000, downTime=0, deviceId=0, source=0x0, displayId=0 }
2024-10-03 13:52:59.228 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onPause
2024-10-03 13:52:59.239 Verbose MediaSessionCallback  onMediaButton: android.intent.action.MEDIA_BUTTON - KeyEvent { action=ACTION_UP, keyCode=KEYCODE_MEDIA_PAUSE, scanCode=0, metaState=0, flags=0x4, repeatCount=0, eventTime=986102031000000, downTime=0, deviceId=0, source=0x0, displayId=0 }

The app does not receive any other other event, commands or audio focus changes, so not sure I can do anything here.

Alright thank you. The logs dont show it but i pressed the unmute button again after some time. I guess the car hasn’t sent this command to the phone.

Is there any way I can show you the logs from Spotify or YT music, or would that be out of your scope?


In this case there’s nothing I could do if there’s no event reaching the app.