Android Auto - Go to Album or Go to Artist

Feature description:

It would be really great if the following options were available from the 3 dot menu when playing a song.

  • Go to Album
  • Go to Artist

add song to playlist would also be appreciated.

There should be more options. Similar to how spotify has android auto.

Problem solved:

When finding a song you like by chance, during shuffle for example. It would be nice to have the option to go directly to that album or the artist from the player. Instead, right now you have to go to Album Artist and find the album. Quite tedious and annoying when driving. Also the Android Auto Security pause, means it can take literally 5 minutes to get to the playing artist or album page.

Brought benefits:

Makes the app more approachable and user friendly while driving.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


Apps have no control over the UI and navigation of AA. I doubt Spotify offers that. Do you have a screenshot or video of how it works ?

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Ï will have a look later on the way home and report back.

You are correct. The layout is the same on both apps. Sorry fot wasting your time.