Album & Artist Tags

Issue description:

More of a question for general clarity but in the album & Artist about sections there is an option to show “Tags”

What metadata do these tags consist of?


Upload description: N/A here

Additional information:

Screenshot 1 shows the “Tags” I’m referring to. This option is also present under the about section for artists

Just want to know what tags I could be utilizing to show under these headings.

Reproduction steps:

I have tagged numerous files with all types of tags & the album tags as well as artist tags remain empty. So what exactly shows up under

Album tags &
Artist tags

Media provider:

Local device




Those are for some media providers like plex and Emby.

There’s currently no well known defined actual tag for that purpose.

Well that’s unfortunate for me, but thanks for clearing that up

I’ve finally added a custom TAGS tag support as I added support for a custom STYLE too.

Even if not standard at least it’s something for Symfonium.


Can’t wait to try this out in the next release.

Thanks for supporting that.

When you say “TAGS” you mean album tags or artist tags or both?

Just for albums for now.

Edit: Actually can also add artists after all.