Adjust minimum play percentage from 20% to 1%

Feature description:

The feature allows for adjusting the minimum play percentage, changing it from the existing default of 20% to a more flexible 1%.

Problem solved:

This adjustment provides greater flexibility in determining what qualifies as “played,” moving away from the fixed minimum of 20%. It allows users to set a more customised threshold that better suits their preferences.

Brought benefits:

There already exists such feature which enables the option to toggle a minimum skip percentage between off and 100%, which helps address my needs. However, when using this as a smart filter, there is currently no option to sort tracks based on their “Last Skipped” status. This new feature would resolve that limitation, allowing for better organisation and filtering based on last played data.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:


You are mixing a lot of different unrelated concepts here it’s hard to follow.

It seems the actual need is sort by last skipped ? Why not just ask for that.

lastPlayed is not updated based on the fact that playcount increase but the fact that the media is played enough to have a resume point. Change the min duration for resume point to 0 and you’ll have an always up to date lastPlayed.

Currently the minimum play percentage for lastPlayed can be set to 20% at-most and cannot go further below.

Is it possible to bring it back to 1% that way I can simply just sort it out by using last played? basically change the minimum percentage to count a track as played from 20% to 1% and block the user from turning it off unless they want to? (do not think its relevant here but just sharing). Currently, the skipping mechanism can be switched off or set to a percentage between 1-100% but it is not the case with counting a track as played mechanism which is stuck between 20-100%.

In summary, I just want the “min. play percentage before marking as played” to 1% that way even if I play a track for 1% of its total duration it should count as played and update the lastPlayed field as well as the playCount.

Again what is your actual need ? I fix needs with proper solutions not hacks you may think could workaround the need …

lastPlayed is not tied to play count.

It’s to use the existing lastPlayed sorting for smart playlists, instead of me waiting at-least 20% of the track to be played for it to actually be counted as played it would be better to let the uesr decide the actual threshold starting from 1% instead of 20%

At some point you really need to start reading what I write :slight_smile:

To have lastPlayed always updated you can just set the minimum play time for resume point to 0.

So to resume you do not need to sort by last skipped at all despite saying that in the first post ?

My bad, I was under the assumption that minimum play time had no relation with lastPlayed. It was initially disabled but setting it back to 0 fulfilled my need.