Add automatic cache of songs while they play

Sorry for bumping an older thread.

I am wanting something similar to this, I already did the Smart Playlist and added it to my auto offline cache.

So when I play a song is the streamed data the one being added to my offline cache or is it going out to my server again to download the song?

Itā€™s downloaded again at the bitrate for offline cache that can be different from the bitrate you play on mobile. And when back on wifi if you enable wifi only downloads.

How do you get the streaming data to be added to the offline cache? So songs arenā€™t having to be downloaded twice?

You donā€™t if you only want to have playback cache use that option with a defined size.

I already do that. Without auto cache playlist songs somehow arenā€™t playable offline.

Is that a thing that could be added? I think this is similar to what OP is wanting.

It just seems wasteful of data usage to download a song twice since itā€™s already been grabed once upon initial listening.

Thereā€™s already a dozens of explanations about why this is not possible to do this in way that covers all the needs ā€¦

Symfonium is offline first, when something is added to offline cache itā€™s for the thing to be available, not randomly removed at some point in time due to size limits.

Symfonium support different transcoding profiles and some servers requires restart of transcoding to seek.

Playback and playback cache works at block level to be efficient and so canā€™t guarantee that a file would be complete and at the quality you actually want in cache.

The only case it would work would be that all 3 bandwith limits are the same and then block playback until the media is actually fully cached. Starting to cause issue when seeking and skipping and tons of other edge cases.

This is the cost of all the features of Symfonium you canā€™t have everything at the same time.

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Oh ok. I guess to have songs immediately be available for offline play after initial streaming is go download it again at the same quality and use twice the data.

I think I understand.