Feature description:
Please allow app.symfonium.api.MEDIA_START to choose an Internet Radio.
Problem solved:
When I get in the car, I like to choose an internet radio station at random from a list of them. (I don’t need Symfonium to do the choosing, just accept a request to play a specific radio.)
Brought benefits:
API consistency with songs/albums/artists/etc. Ability to start another category of media via API.
Other application solutions:
For choosing and sending intents I use Tasker. For actually playing the music, I used to use “intent radio” (9 years out of date), now i use VLC. If I could start an internet radio in Symfonium via Tasker, I would uninstall VLC as unused.
Additional description and context:
I tried different MEDIA_TYPES listed in the documentation[1] including guessing, but the debug logs says things like “Song not found: Groove Salad” and “Unknown media type: internet_radios”. I use Navidrome, which does not appear to support adding Radios to Playlists, so I couldn’t test importing a Playlist from Navidrome in to Symfonium and sending an intent for that.
[1] Symfonium API (Allow control from other apps like tasker)
Screenshots / Mockup: