It is currently possible to display recently added albums on the server, but not to display recently released albums.
So I would like to see added an option to display on the homescreen recently released albums using their release date (full date YYYY-MM-DD).
Problem solved:
The current view displaying all new albums added on the server is a mix-bag of musics newly released by artists and old music recently added on the server. Since I often add a lot of old music, new releases are lost among them and don’t stand out.
Brought benefits:
An easy way to see what is really new.
Other (maybe useful) infos
I’m using Navidrome with the latest image pulled from the develop branch.
Well yes, but seeing that Deluan is ultra busy currently and that the project does not move if I do not push it myself a lot, this will take a lonnnnng time.
It doesn’t seem to work properly with Navidrome, because Symfonium finds YYYY-MM-DD release dates for only a fraction of the releases actually having YYYY-MM-DD release dates. But not sure if the culprit is Symfonium or Navidrome.
I found why it does act like that, so I will write it there in case someone need to solve the same issue. Navidrome can apparently use either YEAR, ORIGINAL RELEASE TIME or RELEASE TIME to fetch the full release date and display it in the UI.
But when synchronizing with Symfonium, only RELEASE TIME or ORIGINAL RELEASE TIME seem to be used to provide the full release date.
So to fix the issue, files must be retagged to set one of the two fields.