About sync the lyrics

You know not every lyrics in songs is completely standard. Sometimes the sentence in lyrics start showing before the same sentence in song for few seconds, sometimes after the same sentence in song for few seconds.

Therefore, is it possible to set two button to sync the lyrics? One button is to make the lyrics show earlier for 0.5 seconds, the other is to make the lyrics show later for 0.5 seconds. If we press the button twice, it will make the lyrics early or delay to show for 1 second.

If only there was a template for this section …

Anyway Symfonium support the offset header in lrc, so you can fix delays easily in the lrc files itself.
There’s no plans to add such half working solution inside the application sorry.

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Could you tell me how to use the function in app about the offset header in lrc to fix delays easily in the lrc files itself ?

You can’t inside Symfonium, you need to fix the tags, the offset in the lrc helps to avoid changing all lines times that’s all.