2 lines of text in artist grid

Feature description:

I would like to suggest an option to show artist names in grid views in 2 lines to avoid cut offs and improving look.

Problem solved:

To prevent texts from being cut off, when there are too many texts in this situation, it doesn’t look very good.

Brought benefits:

Improve the overall look of the grid view with better readability.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:

The quick mockup below is a raw example. I know will look much better than that.

Screenshots / Mockup:



Actually it would not look good.

  1. in a grid all elements needs to have the same size so smaller artists would have empty space.
  2. With more columns or larger fonts in many cases, the artist name can’t be properly split on a space and would be split randomly in the middle of their name or at the wrong place.
  3. And of course this does not really solve the issue for artists who needs 3 or more lines.

Not sure

looks better at all.

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As a more subtle improvement, you could implement an option for an adjustment in the font size for the grid items, this could solve a good amount of problems of this nature and also compensate for very large or small fonts.

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I think a compromise would be to allow specifying a minimum font size and a maximum font size. That way longer, but not extremely long strings would still fit without becoming unreadable.
I’d also love that for titles in the now playing screen. Having a song name scroll horizontally nonstop because it was 2 characters too long to fit always annoys me a bit.
Or if that’s out of the question a setting to disable automatic horizontal scrolling would be nice. Instead, starting/stopping the scrolling could be done by tapping the song title (which currently does nothing).

This is highly unrelated :wink: Open different issues for now playing screen, currently gathering ideas for the future rework.


WOAH :exploding_head: