Symfonium shows only the first genre of an album


First of all, I would like to say that i really appreciate this app.

I use Navidrome and on there I can see all the genres an album has (all the elements of the mp3 tag “Genre” are shown in the web interface of Navidrome). While on Symfonium only the first genre is shown in the UI and I cannot filter the albums by the other genres.

Is this the expected behavior or a known bug?

Let me know if I need to send logs or screenshots.

The template is pretty clear :slight_smile: I always need logs. In this case during sync too.

But mp3 tag Genre is not really meaningful, by default the tag is not multi genre and you need to use custom separators. There’s special case handling for 2.3 and 2.4 too. Tags are a complex beast (But in this case Symfonium does not parse them).

I talked to the Navidrome devs and they told me that only their native API supports multiple genres. Their Subsonic API just shows the first element.