Remaining issue with UPnP gapless

The UPnP gapless feature now works for my music player with the latest version of symfonium, this is a great achievement!

However, there is still an issue. When I play an album, at the end of the first track, the music player moves to the second track but the GUI repeats the first track and, at the end of the second track, the second track is played again by the music player (with a correct behaviour of the GUI this time).

I found a workaround. When the first track starts to play I skip forward and then immediately skip back to the first track when the second track starts to play. With this procedure, the whole album plays fine in gapless mode.

I have attached two files:
with the issue:
Bug.log (164,6 Ko)
with the workaround:
Workaround.log (141,2 Ko)

At your disposal to give more details or to do complementary testing

My configuration:

  • music server: Jellyfin server 10.8.8
  • music player: Cambridge Audo Evo 75
  • Symfonium 3.0.0B2 on Huawei Mate 20 pro

Unfortunately the logs are not complete, you need to enable debug mode before selecting the upnp device so that the logs have the complete upnp logs.

New try
Bug.log (1,0 Mo)
Workaround.log (1,1 Mo)

Ok so there’s UPnP logs in those but I do not see the gapless events, since the logs are less than 1 minutes what do they contain exactly?

I stopped the debugging mode when the player starts playing the second track.

New files where I stopped the debugging mode when the player starts playing the third track.
Bug.log (3,7 Mo)
Workaround.log (3,7 Mo)