Support me and Symfonium

I greatly appreciate your support of my application and would like to thank you for your generosity. If you are interested in contributing more than the price of the license to help maintain the application for the long-term, I have set up a Ko-fi page where you can easily and securely make a donation.

Your donation will be used to cover the costs associated with maintaining and improving the application, including server expenses, development tools, and other related costs. Your contribution will not only help ensure the future of the application but will also demonstrate your support for my work as a developer.

I am truly grateful for your kindness and support, and I look forward to continuing to improve the application for all of my valued users. Thank you for considering making a donation on Ko-fi.


Will do! I just bought it on Google Play. I admire your dedication and specifically the rapid modifications for Swisscom MyCloud WebDAV! Cheers