Jellyfin->DLNA woes on B&O devices

app-final.apk (5.6 MB)

Last attempt :slight_smile:

I’ll need test from local device Flac, from Jellyfin and logs for both + logs from Jellyfin when the B&O tries to access. I’m starting to think that the B&O just don’t send the parameters in it’s query.

You know what…

I found this:

Probably I could replicate your apps requests from my command line and go through iterations until it works.
I should have syntaxes for including the Jellyfin data from the Symfonium logs.

This way I can simulate Symfonium request and report back a method that works and see if you would like to implement it and you wont have to break your back trying to help me.

Does that sound good?
I will of course try your new .apk later.

Well yes you can try, but honestly all points to an issue between the B&O and Jellyfin.

If the last apk work from local media but fails with Jellyfin we’ll be sure.

Some quick feedback.
I did not work with playback from local storage nor from Jellyfin.

Haven’t started collecting logs yet.
Gonna see if I can script the Symfonium requests and play with that first.

So? Any logs or progress?

Sorry for the long answer time.
I’ve been traveling.

Yes, I can replicate the same behavior from CLI.
I tried both yours and BubbleUPnP commands but still same response.
It is the Jellyfin server that the B&O’s do not like.

However, same happens with local file on phone over DLNA.
So if sending local file can be solved, then probably I can take that solution over to Jellyfin and see if they can implement something along those lines.

I’ll return to this issue with logs etc later, got a flu or something right now.

Small bump with some text to please the forum :slight_smile: