Filter library by song tags

Feature description:

Being able to filter the library by song tags - in addition to the already existing album & artist tags (in Jellyfin specifically)

Jellyfin let’s us tag albums, artists and songs with ‘tags’ (as opposed to genres or other metadata for example).

Problem solved:

Many artists have albums / EPs with songs of different mood (happy, sad, uplifting…), tempo, setting or other.
We can filter by album & arist tags, however an album can contain [sad] AND [happy] … songs in one.

As someone with a large and very diverse library or many underground artists who produce many singles and EPs with varying moods and feels (that being the reason why i abandoned Spotify) i would love to be able to filter by the song tags i carefully curated in Jellyfin.

Brought benefits:

More accessible and interactive library experience with a small addition to an already existing feature.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:



Screenshots / Mockup:



Not disputing this would be good, but should be fairly easy to automatedly copy these over as genre tags if you wanted a work around

Can you elaborate?
I suppose you don’t mean actually putting these in the Metadata of the files itself correct?

Yes I did, I didn’t realise that this tag only existed in the jellyfin db rather than as a tag in the file metadata itself, in which case some application would have been able to mass copy and append the values to the genre tags