Display Raw "Year" Tag

Feature description:

Symfonium seems to default to deriving the year by looking at the ReleaseDate or Original Date Tag. I’d like it to simply display what is tagged as YEAR / DATE.

Problem solved:

I have a few Tracks that are covers or remixes, things of that nature. For example this Track by Snoh Aalegra is a cover of a very well known song that released way back when.

In this case my tags are as such
RELEASEDATE = 2021-10-29
YEAR = 2021
ORIGINALDATE = 1978-12-01

But in Symfonium the year is displayed as 1978
For me this is incorrect as the year I’d like to be displayed is 2021 as that is when this cover was released & Original Date gives me the date that the original was released, not the Cover of said Original

Brought benefits:

This would give users more control over exactly what data they want to see / filter by.

Other application solutions:



Additional description and context:

Screenshot 2 is the Extended tags view of MP3 Tag which shows the tags of this FALC file

Screenshots / Mockup: