Custom headers not sent when transcoding

Issue description:

Minor bug:
I have a Subsonic (clone) instance running behind a reverse proxy which is restricted to specific IP addresses, unless a specific header is set with a specific value (set in Symfonium under my provider as a custom header).

I can browse my music, but when I set under “Playback → Decoding and transcoding → Mobile maximum bitrate” to something other than “Original”, my playback stops working. I saw that I’m getting a bunch of 403s from my phone, and set an exception to allow
from all IP addresses, which resolved my issue.

I can only guess that the custom header is not sent at this point, otherwise my reverse proxy would accept the call.


Upload description: Implement5329

Additional information:


Reproduction steps:

0. enable IP address-restricted subsonic behind reverse proxy, but allow a specific custom header to bypass IP address restriction

  1. send custom header to reverse proxy
  2. enable max bitrate for mobile
  3. attempt to stream

Media provider:




There is absolutely no difference in Symfonium when playing transcoded or not content it use the exact same internal way that will set the exact same set of headers.

It’s just the url that have a bunch of new parameters.

Check your proxy logs to actually confirm what is happening.

You are correct. I verified that the header is being sent. Will need to investigate further.