Feature description:
- Implement proper transitions from Transitions – Material Design 3 when navigating from one page to another (ex : “forward and backward” for going from a menu to an album view, “lateral” for the bottom navigation rail…)
- Implement the predictive back design to follow the Android app development guidelines : Predictive back design | Mobile | Android Developers.
When using gestures on Android versions 14 and following, the predictive back design enables the user to preview the destination page when going back.
Predictive back have already been enabled in version 2.0 but it currently only works from the app to the home screen.
Problem solved:
The actual in-app transitions between the pages (ex : album view to home) are a bit harsh : the page elements seems to overlap for a second before showing the destination page. Adding proper transitions would improve the in-app navigation fluidity and make it on par with the player which has a nice maximize/minimize animation.
Predictive back could also solve the page navigation fluidity by adding a smooth transition when going back.
Brought benefits:
The main benefit would be a better visual experience and a smoother in-app navigation.
Adding predictive back could also help the user to determine where he will land when going back from a page to another.
Other application solutions:
Additional description and context:
Screenshots / Mockup: